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I’m no scrooge, I actually love Christmas time. I don’t send out Christmas cards; I haven’t bought a single gift yet this year; and I don’t buy presents for anyone except a couple for each of my kids and haven’t for a few years now.

I love Christmas. I love going to movies with my family, going to Brick town to see all the lights and ride the boats on the canal, I love driving through the park in Yukon to see all the lights, taking Tydus to see Santa, going camping when you actually need the campfire… these are the things I like about Christmas, I just dont like the consumerism, the ridiculous overspending, etc.

If you must buy gifts for all your friends, relatives, co-workers, etc, why not buy a goat for a family in a third world country, give money to build a well for a community that has no water supply, donate to their favorite charity in their honor, etc.?  Do they really want or need that bubble bath gift pack, board game they will never play, variety pack of gourmet jelly, etc?

via Samantha Freeman.

Well said Samantha.  I totally completely absolutely agree with everything in principal and practice.  Except, I do like the gift pack of smell good, as I like to call it.  Not the bubble bath gift set, those are usually cheap, at least they are when my kids buy them and I refuse to use it lest my skin end up peeling away.

Kidding.  I had to post this because it is up to each of us to define or redefine Christmas as we would like it to be/as it should be and you have given great ideas for how Christmas can continue to be reshaped  for me and mine.