
Peanut Jelly Sandwich is a forum for conversations on parenting. Although it is primarily written from a single parent’s perspective, it is not strictly intended for the single parent audience.

Peanut Jelly Sandwich grows out of a love of children and need to converse about the trials and tribulations of parenting with others who are walking the same path. Trust me, we will not always agree. Depending on your background and personal stance on parenthood, we may never agree. However, the conversations shall be rich.

As a single parent of three very beautiful, lively, trouble-makers (really, they are good “kids”), I often take a hard knocks approach, especially to discipline. Stay with me, enjoy the ride, agree, disagree, speak up, be respectful, ask questions, get advice, make this your village and let’s raise our little ones together.

5 thoughts on “About”

  1. I love the name!!! I am a single parent of three crazy, outrageous kids…two teens and a tot. I just started blogging and I came across your blog. Looking forward to enjoying the ride

    • Thank you for stopping by my post. Seems like we are in similar situations as mine are grown (in years), almost grown, and nowhere-near-grown. It is a crazy, fun ride with some very scary turns. Good luck with your blogging…it is therapeutic…Enjoy and chime in anytime.

  2. Hi there,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today and liking my recent post. I’m just popping in to take a peek around your blog. I’m liking what I see! Looking forward to checking out more of your work. 🙂

  3. Enjoyed reading your blog

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